Tak Groundspeak se rozhodl přejmenovat Field Notes na Drafts. Zde je oznámení, které mi dorazilo před chvílí jakožto vývojáři používající jejich API:
Greetings from Geocaching HQ,
Within the next several weeks, we’ll be updating almost all usage of the term “Field Notes” to “Drafts” on geocaching.com. We are making this change to create alignment and better clarity with a new drafting feature in the Geocaching® app that we’ll be releasing shortly. To keep existing players informed of the transition, we will build in a period of time where drafts features on the web are noted as the successor to field notes.While we are making changes to user-facing terminology on geocaching.com and in our app, we will not make any changes to the API methods used to create field notes.All field note functionality in partner applications will continue to function as expected without any action on your part.Any field notes created by partner applications will continue to appear on geocaching.com in the renamed drafts queue.Thanks,Nate IrishProduct Team Manager
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